Derived from: Socket_IO

Declared in: TCP_IO.h



The TCP_IO class implements an interface to TCP. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a connection-oriented, stream based protocol which provides a full-duplex virtual circuit. It provides an error correcting transport mechanism, ensures first-in-first-out ordering of trasmitted data, and provides transport-user addressing via 16-bin port numbers. TCP is implemented on top of IP ( Internet Protocol ); a connectionless, datagram based, best delivery effort protocol.

Constructor and Destructor


	TCP_IO( void )
	TCP_IO( int socket )

The first constructor creates a socket for you and sets close-on-delete to true. The second constructor takes an existing socket as an argument and close-on-delete is set to false by default.

Member Functions


	int Accept( void )
	int Accept( struct sockaddr_in *client_interface )

Two new flavors of Accept(). The first is used if you don't care about the remote interface and the second is like the one provided by Socket_Io, but without the need for a size argument.

libHTTP - A high-level HTTP API for the BeOS

Copyright (C) 1999 Joe Kloss