Installation & Getting Started ![]() |
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The latest version of Robin Hood can be found under the Robin Hood entry at BeBits.
Robin Hood requires libHTTP 1.0b to run. libHTTP 1.0b is included with this distribution
of Robin Hood; it is also available separately with source code.
Installing libHTTP
As long as all of the executables remain in their original directory, they will be able to find libHTTP in the lib directory. Optionally, you may move the file lib/ to "/boot/home/config/lib/." This will allow the executables to be placed anywhere you wish and permits other apps to use libHTTP.
Installing the Add-On Modules
As long as the folder robin_hood_modules remains in the same folder as the rhdaemon, they will be found. Optionally, this folder may be moved to "/boot/home/config/add-ons/."
404 Template File
The 404 Handler looks for a file named "404.html" in the root of your web directory. A sample 404.html file is provided which you can use. If you don't have a template 404 file, you will get a plain "404 File Not Found" message when a file could not be found.
File Permissions
Robin Hood respects the file permission attributes of the files in your web directory. If you find you are being asked for a password when viewing your web-site, you probably need to fix the permission attributes. Separate permissions are maintained by the file system for owner, group, and other users. Each class is further sub-divided into read, write, and execute permissions. Robin Hood will require a password for a file if others do not have read access to the file; CGIs require execute access.
Access permissions can be changed with the "chmod" command. If you wish to make your entire web directory public,
use the command:
chmod -R o+r path
where path is the path to your web directory. The CGI directory permission should be set with:
chmod -R o+x path
where path is the path of the CGI directory.
Robin Hood Executables
Robin Hood includes serveral executable components. The user interface and the server are separate. The server can continue running in the background even after the UI has exited.
The Virtual Hosts File contains the configuration info for the rhdaemon. You can open this file from the "File" menu of RHConsole or by opening /boot/home/config/settings/virtual_hosts. This file specifies the port of each server, the Webroot and Index Document associated with each Virtual Host name, and the Virtual Resources and Realms of each Virtual Host. The format of the virtual hosts file has changed since the initial release of Robin Hood (version 0.9). The file has been renamed for this reason.
CGI Setup
CGIs are detected by MIME type. All files with the MIME type
"application/x-vnd.CGI" will be dispatched to the CGI Handler add-on module (if
it's installed). The default Virtual Hosts file contains a Virtual Resource
which will cause all files ending in .cgi and all files located within the cgi
-bin/ directory to be treated as CGIs. You can change this behavior if you wish
by editing the Virtual Hosts file.
You can find more information about CGIs and some sample CGIs at
The CGI Resource Index.
PHP Setup
PHP is a server-side, cross-platform, HTML embedded scripting language.
Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique
PHP-specific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to allow web
developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly.
The default Virtual Hosts file contains a Virtual Resource which will cause
all files with the MIME type "application/x-httpd-php" or ending with ".php"
to be treated as PHP.
You can find more information about PHP at
SSI Setup
Server Side Includes provide a mechanisim for creating dynamic HTML
pages. A SSI file (usually ends with ".shtml") looks like a normal HTML file, but
contains directives to the server to inline other text elements in the document
from other sources. The source can be a static text document (like a HTML
document), another SHTML document (which will also be processed), a CGI, or a
shell command. SHTML documents are created on the fly by the server and the
client never sees the original SHTML file. Files with a MIME type of "text/x
-server-parsed-html" will be processed by the SSI Handler before delivery. The
default Virtual Hosts file contains a Virtual Resource which will cause all
files ending with ".shtml" be treated as SSIs.
See NCSA HTTPd Tutorial: Server Side Includes for more information on using SSIs.
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