Keyboard Shortcuts

This page describes the keyboard shortcuts that can be used in ArtPaint. Currently all of these shortcuts apply to the paint-window. The shortcuts are grouped here by function. The menukey is either alt or control, which way you have set it in the menu preferences.

File handling shortcuts

menukey + O
Opens an image
shift + menukey + O
Opens a project
menukey + S
Saves the image with the current name
shift + menukey + S
Saves the project with the current name

Clipboard shortcuts

menukey + X
Cuts the active layer to the clipboard
shift + menukey + X
Cuts all layers to the cliplboard
menukey + C
Copies the active layer to the clipboard
shift + menukey + C
Copies all layers to the clipboard
menukey + V
Pastes the contents of the clipboard as a new layer
shift + menukey + V
Pastes the contents of the cilpboard as a new project

Window shortcuts

menukey + B
Shows the brush window
menukey + K
Shows the tool selection window
menukey + L
Shows the layer window
menukey + M
Shows the tool setup window
menukey + P
Shows the color palette window
menukey + N
Creates a new paint window
menukey + Y
Resizes the window to fit the image

Image editing shortcuts

menukey + R
Starts rotating the active layer
shift + menukey + R
Starts rotating all of the layers
menukey + T
Starts translating the active layer
shift + menukey + T
Starts translating all of the layers
menukey + left arrow
Flips the active layer horizontally
shift + menukey + left arrow
Flips all layers horizontally
menukey + up arrow
Flips the active layer vertically
shift + menukey + up arrow
Flips all layers vertically
controlkey + menukey + C
Crop the image
controlkey + menukey + S
Scale the image

Selection shortcuts

menukey + G
Grows the selection
menukey + H
Shrinks the selection
menukey + D
Clears the selection

General shortcuts

menukey + Z
shift + menukey + Z
menukey + +
Zoom in
menukey + -
Zoom out
menukey + .
Inserts a layer in the image
menukey + I
Inserts text into the active layer
menukey + Q
Quits the program
menukey + W
Closes the active window
arrow keys
Scroll the image around